Selected Speeches and Research Talks

Selected Speeches and Interviews

  • Wharton Business Daily podcast, UPenn Impact of Tech/AI in the online/digital learning landscape, May 2024. [Podcast]
  • Global Learner’s Program Kickoff by Penn Global, Sept 2022. [PDF]
  • MCIT Online Graduation Reception, May 2023 [PDF], May 2022. [PDF]
  • Penn Engineering Alumni Event at Penn Wharton China Center (Beijing), Aug 2018. [PDF] (Chinese)

Selected Video Highlights

  • Renowned Faculty of Penn Engineering Online, 2023 [Video]
  • Towards Full-Stack Adaptivity in Permissioned Blockchain Systems. Invited talk at University of Delaware, 2023 [Video]
  • MSE-DS Online Admissions Webinar with Boon Thau Loo, 2023 [Video]
  • NRT Soft AE Program Kickoff Talk – Closing Remarks, 2023. [Video]
  • Templating Shuffles. CIDR 2023 [Video]
  • Questions about MSE-DS Online with Associate Dean Loo, 2022 [Video]
  • A Special Welcome from Associate Dean, Boon Thau Loo, 2021 [Video]
  • Prof. Boon Thau Loo excited to welcome MCIT Online students to Penn family, 2019 [Video]
  • Programming Network Policies by Examples: Platform, Abstraction, and User Studies. Invited talk at NetPL 2017 [Video]
  • MOSAIC. CoNEXT 2008 [Video]

Invited Panels

  • Penn China Engagement Forum (Jan 2024). Participated in a panel with Deans from Graduate School of Education, Wharton, and Weitzman School of Design on academic collaborations and engagement with China.
  • Penn Global / GSE conference on the Future of Global Higher Education (Mar 2023). Participated in a panel on future research collaborations.
  • Penn and Mellon Fellows Leadership panel (Feb 2023). Participated in a panel with two other Associate Deans, discussing leadership roles at the University with Penn and Mellon Fellows.

Research Talks

  • Towards Full-Stack Adaptivity in Permissioned Blockchain Systems.
    • University of California, Irvine, Oct 2023
    • University of Delaware, Sept 2023 [Video]
    • Shanghal Tech University, Sept 2023
  • Templating Shuffles [Video]
    • Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Jan 2023
  • Declarative Programming in Software-defined Networks: Past, Present, and Future.
    • Chinese University of Hong Kong,
    • Hong Kong Baptist University,
    • Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and
    • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 2019.
  • Programming Network Policies by Examples: Platform, Abstraction, and User Studies. [Video]
    • Invited talk at the Third Workshop on Networking and Programming Languages (NetPL 2017, colocated with ACM SIGCOMM 2017)
  • DeDoS: Defusing DoS with Dispersion-Oriented Software
    • National University of Singapore, School of Computing seminar, June 2017
  • Data Provenance at Internet Scale: Architecture, Experiences, and the Road Ahead.
    • Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Jan 2017.
  • Cloud: What’s Next.
    • Panel moderator, Wharton Technology Conference, Nov 2015.
  • Scenario-based Programming for SDN Policies.
    • National University of Singapore, Jul 2016.
    • Nanyang Technological University, Jul 2016.
    • Open Networking User Group (ONUG), Nov 2015.
  • Declarative Cloud Performance Analytics.
    • 2015 Informs Annual Meeting — Big Data in the Cloud Track, Nov 2015.
  • Declarative Network Programming: From Implementation, to Verification and Synthesis.
    • University of Pennsylvania ESE Colloquia, Sept 2015.
  • Automated Analysis and Actuation for Software Defined Infrastructure.
    • Software Defined Networking Symposium for Defense and National Security, Dec 2014.
  • Data Center, Co-location, Hosted Solutions – What is Best for my Business?
    • NJTC Data Summit and Expo (panel moderator), Dec 2014.
  • Declarative Networking.
    • Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Aug 2014.
  • Building a Start-Up in a Marketplace Ripe For Disruption.
    • National University of Singapore, Aug 2014.
  • Perspectives on University Technology Transfer.
    • National University of Singapore iLEAD guest lecture, Jul 2014.
  • Declarative Networking.
    • Air Force Research Laboratory, Jul 2014.
    • AFOSR Young Investigator Meeting, Jun 2014.
  • Innovation Process and Core Methodology.
    • Comcast Innovation Summit, Sept 2013.
  • Automated Formal Analysis of Internet Routing Configurations.
    • National University of Singapore, Jul 2013.
  • Declarative Networking.
    • Harvard University, Nov 2012.
    • Temple University, Sept 2012.
    • Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Aug 2012.
    • Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Aug 2012.
  • A Declarative Perspective on Programmable Networking.
    • Invited keynote speaker at the Workshop on Software Defined Networks (SDN), 2012.
  • Declarative Constraint Optimizations in Distributed Systems.
    • New England Database Society, Sept 2012.
    • National University of Singapore, Aug 2012.
    • University of California, Davis, May 2012.
    • Cornell University, May 2012.
  • Recent Advances in Declarative Networking.
    • Invited keynote speaker at the 14th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL), Jan 2012.
  • Evolving the Internet with Declarative Networking.
    • Carnegie Mellon University, Feb 2012.
    • University of Washington Seattle, Oct 2011.
    • University of California Berkeley, Sept 2011.
    • Rutgers University, Sept 2011.
  • Declarative Secure Distributed Systems.
    • Singapore Management University, Jul 2011.
  • Declarative Networking: Present and Future.
    • National University of Singapore, Jul 2011.
  • Secure Time-aware Provenance for Distributed Systems.
    • Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore, Jun 2011.
  • Declarative Networking: Present and Future.
    • Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore, Jun 2011.
  • Datalog and Emerging Applications: An Interactive Tutorial.
    • SIGMOD tutorial (with Shan Shan Huang and T.J. Green), Athens, Greece, June 2011.
  • Declarative Networking and Its Applications to Formally Safe Networking.
    • Protocol eXchange meeting, Baltimore, June 2011.
  • Declarative Networking and Its Applications to Reliable Embedded Networked Systems.
    • DARPA ISAT Workshop on Program Synthesis, Chicago, May 2011.
  • Declarative Secure Distributed Systems.
    • UC San Diego Database Seminar, Dec 2010.
  • Declarative Policy-based Networking. [PDF]
    • NEC Labs Princeton, Aug 2010.
    • Invited keynote speaker at the IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY), Jul 2010.
  • Declarative Networking.
    • Lockheed Martin Advanced Technologies Laboratories (ATL), Apr 2010.
    • Telcordia Technologies, March 2010.
  • Declarative Secure Distributed Systems.
    • Stanford University Security Seminar, March 2010.
  • Declarative Techniques for Secure Network Routing.
    • DIMACS Workshop on Secure Routing, Rutgers University, March 2010.
  • Datalog and Its Application to Network Routing Design. [PDF]
  • Applying PL and Database Techniques to Networking. [PDF]
    • DIMACS Workshop on Designing Networks for Manageability, Rutgers University, Nov 2009.
  • DS2: Declarative Secure Distributed Systems
    • University of Waterloo Database Seminar, Jun 2009.
  • MOSAIC: Unified Declarative Platform for Dynamic Overlay Composition. [PDF]
    • 4th Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT), Madrid, Spain, Dec 2008.
      Note: Several slides in this 20-minute talk were derived from Yun Mao’s MOSAIC job talk.
  • Declarative DSL: A Declarative Networking Perspective. [PDF]
    • 24th International Conference on Data Engineering Panel on Declarative Domain Specific Languages, Cancun, Mexico, 2008.
  • Boon Thau Loo Speaks Out. (Interview) [PDF]
    • Courtesy of Marianne Winslett and ACM SIGMOD Record (Sept 2007 edition).
  • The Design and Implementation of Declarative Networks.
    • AT&T Labs Research, New Jersey, Jul 2007.
    • National University of Singapore, Jun 2007.
    • ACM SIGMOD dissertation award presentation, Beijing, China, Jun 2007.
    • BBN Technologies, Boston, Apr 2007.
  • Towards a Declarative Language and System for Secure Networking.
    • 3rd International Workshop on Networking meets Databases (NetDB), Cambridge, MA, Apr 2007.
  • Declarative Networking: Language, Execution and Optimization.
    • ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Chicago, June 2006.
  • Declarative Networking: Extensible Networks with Declarative Queries.
    • UC Santa Cruz Database Seminar, June 2006.
    • Academic Job talk, [Yale University, California Institute of Technology, University of Pennsylvania, University of Toronto, IBM Almaden, Cornell University, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, Duke University, University of Texas-Austin, ETH Zurich, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, University of California at Los Angeles], Feb-Apr 2006
  • Implementing Declarative Overlays.
    • 20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Brighton, UK, Oct 2005.
  • Declarative Routing: Extensible Routing with Declarative Queries.
    • ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Data Communication, Philadelphia, Aug 2005.
  • Customizable Routing with Declarative Queries.
    • 3rd Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (ACM SIGCOMM HotNets-III), San Diego, Nov 2004.
  • Enhancing P2P File-Sharing with an Internet-Scale Query Processor.
    • 30th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Toronto, Canada, Sept 2004
  • The Case for a Hybrid P2P Search Infrastructure.
    • 3rd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS), San Diego, Feb 2004.